Стр. 16 - ANTONOV

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Warranted Durability,
Reliability, Safety
and Efficiency
Гарантия долговечности,
надежности, безопасности
и эффективности
íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ â ìèðå ýêñïëóàòèðóåòñÿ îêîëî
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t present, 6,000 ANTONOV planes of various types
are in operation worldwide, and new ones are
being produced and delivered to the customers.
ANTONOV's system of complex after−sale support pro−
vides their reliable and effective operation rendering the
following services:
− engineering support of the aircraft technical operation;
− technical maintenance and repair of the aircraft in
the own service center and at the operator's base;
− logistic support of the aircraft operation;
− support of the aircraft flight operation;
− training of flight, compartment and ground personnel
of the operator;
− informational support of the operator;
− upgrading and modernization of the aircraft;
− work out of the technical maintenance programs for
the customer taking into account its operational
− providing all the necessary maintenance documents.
ANTONOV pays a great attention to support the aircraft
airworthiness. For example, owing to the performed
works, design service life and life time of the AN−124−100
and its modifications were increased by 50 000 flight
hours, 10 000 flights and 45 years.
The aircraft operators are suggested with various ver−
sions of re−equipment and modernization of the air−
craft. This system is flexible enough. The works can be
performed at ANTONOV, repair plants or at the opera−
tor's base. Nowadays, ANTONOV is establishing service
centers in new regions, where ANTONOV airplanes are
The core direction of the support system is training and
raising the ski l l level of the ai r l ines' personnel .
ANTONOV's training center provides theoretical and
practical training of flight, compartment and technical
personnel to operate all the ANTONOV aircraft by the
programs approved by the aviation authorities. In the
training process the complex simulators and special
program products meeting all the modern requirements
are used.